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Meeting on Career Guidance of FFL

作者: | 时间:2011-03-20 | 点击:

On March 16th, 2010, the Faculty of Foreign Languages (FFL) held a meeting on career guidance in the staffroom. Those who participated the meeting include Professor Tao Wenhao, the Dean, Mr. Xie Qingli, the Vice Dean, Ms. Xie Wenting, the Vice Dean, Ms. Zhangminli, the vice secretary of the party general branch, Ms. Wang Fang, the director of the career guidance office of the faculty, Mr. Lin Zijian, the student advisor of the undergraduates, and all the thesis supervisors of the undergraduates.

Ms. Wang Fang gave a report on the employment rate of the 2010 graduates. Mr Lin Zijian illustrated the work plan and focal points of this year’s career guidance in detail. Prof. Tao Wenhao emphasized the importance of the supervisors’ advice to their students in seeking jobs, and encouraged the undergraduates to apply for postgraduate programs both at home and abroad.

There are three months to go before the undergraduates leave the university. The faculty is trying every method and spares no efforts to give advice to them on job hunting and further study.

下一篇:Meeting for the Reporter Group of FFL 上一篇:Japanese Corner Starts again in the Semester

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