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作者: | 时间:2017-04-24 | 点击:

                                   记者:吴晓帆 牛蒙


此次理事会由我校外国语学院承办,院长陶文好教授作为东道主兼此次会议主持人,引用中国古语“有朋自远方来,不亦乐乎” ,对各位代表的光临给予了热烈欢迎,并对我校进行了简单介绍。随后,吴会长致辞,他强调,珠海中日校企友好协会不仅是企业与学生之间的平台,更是维系中日两国人民之间友谊的桥梁,吴会长的发言得到了各位代表的广泛认同。



The board meeting of China-Japan School-enterprise Friendship Association in year 2017 was held in the third meeting room of Guojiao Hotel on April 21, 2017.The present guests included Professor Tao Wenhao, dean of School of Foreigh Languages of BNUZ and vice president of Association, Professor  Wu Shujing, dean of School of Foreign Languages of BIT and president of Association, Mr. Nomura Ryuuji,Honorary president of Association,Mr.Kumonn Hiroyuki,the vice president of Association, Ms Chen Nian from Iwatani Group, and doctor Xiong Linhong, dean of Japanese department of School of Foreign Languages in BNUZ. 

As the host, Professor Tao chaired the meeting and extended his warmest welcome  by citiing the old Chinese saying"How happy we are to have friends afar" and then he introduced BNUZ to the guests. Professor Wu Shujing emphasized that the Association was not only a platform for the students and Japanese enterprises but a bridge between Chinese people and Japanese people. His words were totally agreed by the audience. 

 Ms. Liushuang, on behalf of Kirin Beer Group reviewed the work in year 2016 and introduced the recruitment fair, non-profit activity and year 2017 plan. All attendants discussed carefully the new year plan so that the Association could  in effect provide opportunities for college students. Finally, Mr. summarized the meeting and extended his heatfelt wishes and expectations for the Association. 

 The meeting laid great foundation for further development by its yearly work report and expectation. 

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