为丰富同学们的课余生活,开拓视野,营造积极向上、健康文明的校园文化氛围,12月3日晚7点,外国语学院第六届外语短剧大赛在丽泽楼A103成功举行。比赛邀请到外国语学院教师David W Koening、Sadie Marie Chandler、松岛加代子、王芳、张婧宜作为评委。
最终,带来原创剧本《Just a Joke》的Pranksters小组获得英语组一等奖,吾辈是猫小组带来的《桃太郎改编版》获得日语组一等奖,吃葡萄不吐葡萄皮儿er小组的《Até que voce apareceu》和最强四人组《Aimer》分别获得葡语组、法语组优胜奖。“最佳人气小组”由得到最多投票数的吃葡萄不吐葡萄皮儿er小组获得。
BNUZ Sixth Foreign Language Drama Contest Held Successfully
The 6th SFL Drama Competition was successfully held in Lize Building A103 at 7 p.m.on December 3 with Mr. David W Koening, Ms.Sadie Marie Chandler, Ms.Songada, Ms. Wang Fang and Ms. Zhang Jingyi as judges. The contest aims to enrich the students ' after-class activity, broaden their horizons, and create a positive campus culture.
The competition has a total of 8 teams in 4 languages of English, Japanese, French and Portuguese, providing a platform for students to show their language ability and performance ability. Romantic films, moving musical drama, a variety of props, expressive movements and expressions, skillful foreign language dialogues all arouse successive cheers and bursts of applauses from the audience and judges. Some combination of music and dance elements into the show has driven cheers over and over again. Drama Society of BNUZ had an invited short play "A Love without Hesitation" also won a warm applause.
Pranksters Group’s "Just a Joke" won the first prize of English group. " Peach Taro adaptation Version" of “We are the cat” group won the first prize of the Japanese language, and the Participation Winners go to the Portuguese language group and French group respectively with their performances "Atéque Voce Apareceu" and " Aimer". The "Best of the popular group" was obtained by the group "Eating Grapes without the Grape Peels"for the largest votes.
The Drama Competition has created a strong atmosphere of foreign language learning. Various languages's elements have enabled students to show the language charm of different countries to the audience. The contestants ' excellent performance, adaptation in writing scripts under the guidance of professional teachers, enthusiasm as well as team cooperation have been completely trained and cultivated. (Translated by Luo Qiwen)