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作者: | 时间:2018-05-12 | 点击:

2018511日上午,外国语学院建院十五周年院庆系列讲座第三场开幕, 由西安外语音像教材出版社社长、原《外语教学》主编周世范教授主讲的《读书与人生》主题讲座在乐育楼C108成功举行, 周教授博采众长、引经据典,为同学们带来了一场中华文化盛宴。





SFL Holds the 3rd Academic Lecture for the 15th Anniversary of the Foundation of School of Foreign Languages

On the morning of May 11th, an academic lecture was held by School of Foreign Languages (SFL) in Room C108 of Leyu Building as a celebration of the 15th anniversary of its foundation. Professor Zhou Shifan, director of Xi’an Foreign Languages Audio-visual Teaching Press and former chief editor of Foreign Languages and Teaching, was invited to give a lecture titled “Reading and Life”, which offered students a banquet of Chinese culture.

Professor Zhou firstly emphasized the importance of reading. Wisdom in hold, elegance in mold. In his view, reading is as important as sleeping, and he suggested that we make friends with people possessing wisdom. He also demonstrated the positive results by taking examples of great achievements made by historical celebrities. To encourage students to read more good books, he pointed out four kinds of reading style which include foundational reading, professional reading, research-based reading and re-creative reading. What’s more, he offered three suggestions which needed students to set their hearts on understanding them.

Reading serves not only for self-development but also society. Professor Zhou pointed that reading is of benefit for us to  be a true man, to live , to be healthy, to create, to forgive and forget. He also shared his reading life and learning with students by categorizing into 10 points.

Professor Zhou expressed his best wishes and concluded his speech by encouraging the young students to start now learning to be man with ambition, confidence, perseverance, patience and honesty, devoting themselves to the development of Chinese nation.

SFL always pays much attention to its students’ Chinese culture consciousness and strengths the inheritance and promotion of traditional Chinese culture. Lecture delivered by Professor Zhou provided an opportunity for reading and culture compentency promotion.

下一篇:外国语学院举行建院十五周年学术院庆讲座第二场之《从语言个体发生的角度提高语言学习者的隐喻能力》和《论一带一路国际话语体系的构建》 上一篇:外国语学院党总支学生党支部四六级帮帮班圆满结束

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