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2017-2018-1外籍教师系列讲座第四场将于本周三(12. 13)晚7点举行

作者: | 时间:2017-12-12 | 点击:

时间:1213 星期三晚上7:00-8:30


题目:Underdevelopment and Dependency: Education as Reproduction

演讲人:Mr. Ben Mulvey

Ben is currently reading for an MA in Education and International Development at

University College London Institute of Education. His main areas of interest are social

justice, education policy, and how international study, provided as a form of aid, can

influence development in low/middle income countries.

演讲内容简介:In this lecture Ben will present a basic introduction to theories of

underdevelopment, dependency and social reproduction in relation to the development of

education in low and middle-income countries. Dependency theory is an attempt at

explaining the present deeply unequal world situation in which over 1 billion people or

one sixth of humanity live in relative poverty. Social Reproduction is the argument that

education has often served to reproduce social and cultural inequality rather than challengeor change it. In this lecture we will explore what these two ideas are, and how they are related to each other.

下一篇:2017-2018-1外籍教师系列讲座第三场将于下周四(11. 30)晚7点举行 上一篇:2017-2018-2外籍教师系列讲座第二场将于本周四(4. 12)晚7点举行

地址:广东省珠海市唐家湾金凤路北京师范大学珠海分校外国语学院    邮编:519087   E-mail:wyxy@bnuz.edu.cn
学院招生咨询电话:0086-756-6126560    招生邮箱:wyxy@bnuz.edu.cn
电话:0086-756-6126560    传真:0086-756-6126861
版权所有:北京师范大学珠海分校 外国语学院粤ICP备05026012号