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申英姬(Jill Shen)

作者: | 时间:2008-10-24 | 点击:

2001年6月毕业于延边大学人文社会科学学院外国语言学及应用语言学专业,获得硕士学位。自2001年7月至2004年8月在大连民族学院外语系英语专业任英语教师。2004年9月留学日本京都大学,先后于2007年3月和2011年9月取得了人间·环境学研究科外国语教育论专业硕士学位和文学研究科语言学专业博士学位。研究方向为语言接触(Language Contact),音系学和第二语言习得。

When I first came to BNUZ, I could not help falling in love with it. The evergreens, the grass, the lakes, the mountains surrounding the campus made me want to settle here. Except soaring heat during the daytime, everything seems just fine. Surrounded by the beautiful scenery, I can fully devote myself to my teaching and research without worrying about the noise and pollution of the city.

Having an abundance of language teaching experience and of devising innovative teaching methods in both China and Japan, I am confident that I can increase my students’ motivation for learning and turn them into autonomous learners. There is an important link between motivation and autonomy. Autonomous learners are more highly motivated than those who are passively waiting to be taught, and autonomy leads to better work. I therefore encourage my students to take an active and independent attitude to language learning.

As the motto of our university goes, “Of studies, be the master. Of behavior, be the model.” This will be my motto as a teacher at BNUZ.

下一篇:熊林红(Helen Xiong) 上一篇:李孚声副教授(Frank Li)

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