Dr. Indika Liyanage——语言学习的策略及风格
11月18日上午10点,外国语学院邀请到来自澳大利亚格里菲斯大学的Indika Liyanage博士,为英语学科教学教育硕士研究生在丽泽楼D404-2讲学。讲座主题为语言学习的策略及风格;出席此次讲座的学院领导有院长陶文好教授、副院长谢庆立副教授和大学外语部主任李蕾老师。
讲座伊始,陶院长简要介绍了主讲人Dr. Indika Liyanage。在语言学领域研究颇深的Dr. Indika Liyanage,也曾在苏州、南京、北京等地的高校召开过学术讲座,分享其丰富的外语习得研究及外语教学研究的经验。首先,他由浅入深,阐述人与人之间、群体与群体之间的差异;其次,谈到了语言学习策略的发展演变史;再次,他论述了什么是语言学习策略及其影响因素,让在场同学对讲座的主题的了解逐渐深入;最后,他列举了实例、播放相关视频,紧扣讲座主题“语言学习的策略及风格”。除了幽默风趣的演讲,Dr. Indika Liyanage偶尔的自我调侃,使一贯严谨的学术讲座气氛变得轻松活跃起来。
讲座接近尾声,在场同学纷纷表示,Dr. Indika Liyanage的讲座使他们获益匪浅;能够参加这样的学术讲座对于他们来说是一种荣幸。
An Academic Lecture for MA Students: Language Learning Strategies and Learner Variables
By Zhang Wenhui
Dr. Indika Liyanage from Griffith University held a lecture entitled Language Learning Strategies and Learners Variables at 10:00 a.m. on November 18th, in Room D404-2 Lize Building. Dean and Professor Tao Wenhao, Vice Dean and Associate Professor Xie Qingli and Ms. Li Lei, director of College English Department, attended the lecture.
In the lecture, Dr. Indika Liyanage Language elaborated learning strategies. He not only touched upon individual differences, but also the development of language learning strategies. At last, he gave a definition of language learning strategies and its variables. In order to make sure students had a better understanding of learner variables, Dr. Indika Liyanage gave vivid examples and played two theme-related videos.
"It’s a great honor to have this opportunity to attend the lecture and I know more about learner strategies and learner variables from Dr. Indika Liyanage.” one of the students present was quoted as saying.