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- 2018-09-06 | 2018级新生开学典礼院长致辞Opening Ceremony Speech for Freshmen of 2018
- 2018-07-01 | 2018届毕业生毕业典礼暨外国语学院成立15周年院庆院长致辞Speech at the Graduation Ceremony of 2018 a...
- 2017-09-07 | 2017级新生入学开学典礼院长致辞Opening Ceremony Speech for Freshmen of 2017
- 2017-06-27 | 2017届毕业典礼院长致辞Speech at the Commencement of 2017
- 2016-09-05 | 2016级新生开学典礼院长致辞Opening Ceremony Speech for Freshmen of 2016
- 2016-06-25 | 2016届毕业典礼院长致辞 Speech at the Graduation Ceremony of 2016
- 2015-09-11 | 2015级新生开学典礼院长致辞
- 2015-06-30 | 2015届毕业典礼致辞Speech at the Graduation Ceremony of 2015
- 2014-09-14 | 2014级新生开学典礼讲话 Opening Ceremony Speech for Freshmen of 2014
- 2014-06-29 | 2014届毕业典礼致辞 Speech at the Graduation Ceremony of 2014
- 2013-09-15 | 2013级新生开学典礼讲话 Opening Ceremony Speech for Freshmen of 2013
- 2013-07-28 | Speech at 10th Anniversary and 2013 Graduation Ceremony of the SFL, BNUZ
- 2012-09-15 | 2012级新生开学典礼讲话 Opening Ceremony Speech for 2012
- 2011-09-09 | 2011级新生开学典礼讲话 Speech at Opening Ceremony for Freshmen of 2011
- 2010-09-21 | 2010级新生开学典礼讲话 Speech at Opening Ceremony for Freshmen of 2010