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A lecture: Tales of Life, Luck, and Fate:How the Past Can Help Us Face an Uncertain Future

作者: | 时间:2011-04-15 | 点击:

Reporter: Xu Jieying

At 19:00 p.m. on April 12th , Mr. Chad Glass, a foreign teacher from the Faculty of Foreign Languages (FFL) , gave us an excellent lecture entitledTales of Life, Luck, and Fate:How the Past Can Help Us Face an Uncertain Futurein Liyun Building A101.

The lecture touched on the traditional ideas of luck and fate in Chinese and western cultures. Mr. Chad Glass told true stories from ancestry and family history to emphasize the truly unique facts of each person''''s existence, and why we should face the future with hope rather than fear.

The lecture made students think more about luck and fate in people''s life. We should keep hope for our life as we are really really lucky enough.

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