First Meeting of Student Party Branch of School of Foreign Languages Was Successfully Held This Semester
At 4 p.m. on October 28, 2016, the 7th party activists opening ceremony was held by School of Foreign Languages Sudent Party Branch in Liyun A202 during the first semester in 2016-2017 year. The meeting was presided over by the Secretary of the Academy of League Committee Luo Min. Mr. Liu Jinzhe and all the members of the branch participated in the conference.
Student affairs counselor Ms. Liu Jinzhe first introduced the process to join the party and the seventh party activists training plan, after that, Mr. Luo Min issued certification to the Sixth Party activists, and the former Secretary Yin Haifeng made an annual work report.
At the end of the meeting, the new committee members of Party branch election were held. There are total 5 members in the branch, 4 of whom were present, and the election results are valid and effective. The election results are as follows: the Party Branch Secretary: Wu Wei Peng, deputy secretary of the Party Branch: Zhu Wenjuan, Secretary of the Party Branch assistant: Huang Yingya, Fan Jinglin, deputy secretary of the Party Branch assistant: He Baoyi, Liu Yuru.