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作者: | 时间:2016-07-05 | 点击:


    本次英语写作比赛是广东省本科高校外语类专业教学指导委员会、广东省本科高校大学英语课程教学指导委员会、中国高校英语写作教学联盟主办。比赛云集广东各大名校英语专业高手,包括来自中山大学、广东外语外贸大学的150多位选手,云集一堂。要求选手在规定的时间内对给定题目写作,主要训练选手的英文思维能力、语言组织能力。 我校选手不负众望,从审题、结构组织、语言运用等方面认真思考,取得了较为优异的成绩。


Students of SFL Gave Outstanding Performance in the College English Writing Competition in Guangdong Province

    On June 27th, on behalf of School of Foreign Languages of BNUZ, Yin Haifeng, a senior student of English major, and Sun Jingxin, a junior student of English major, won the First Prize and the Second Prize respectively in the College English Writing Competition held by Sun-Yat Sen University. This English Writing Competition was elaborately organized by Steering Committee of Undergraduate Education of Foreign Language Majors in Guangdong, Steering Committee of College English Courses in Guangdong, and National Association of English Writing. There were more than 150 English majors gathering together in this competition. They were required to accomplish composition of specific topics in the limited time, showing every competitor’s competence of thinking and writing. The competitors of our school have made spiffy achievement in terms of the topic, structure, language usage, etc.

    The English writing is an essential part of international culture communication, and the English writing ability is a significant symbol of both foreign language education and the quality of talent cultivation. To ensure this writing competition to proceed smoothly, the School of Foreign Languages organized qualification trials and arranged professors to give competitors necessary guidance. This writing competition not only provided a good opportunity for the English majors of our school to show their talent and intelligence, but also a positive affirmation to our school ‘s achievement of teaching for English majors.

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