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作者: | 时间:2013-05-15 | 点击:


5月9日晚,外籍教师Mr. Gerard Brent在励耘楼A107教室举办了本学期第八场电影之夜活动。当晚放映的影片是《异种4:唤醒》。

在电影放映之前,Mr. Gerard Brent向到场的同学介绍了好几部影片。同学们则热情地与外教分享了准备的零食和预防蚊虫叮咬的小药膏。



BNUZ Movie Night: Species 4 - The Awakening

By CAI Xiaoling

On the evening of May 9th, the overseas teacher, Mr. Gerard Brent held the eighth Movie Night of this semester in Liyun A107, playing the movie - Species 4: The Awakening .

Before showing the movie, Mr. Gerard Brent introduced some other movies to the students. And the students enthusiastically shared their snacks with Mr. Gerard as well.

The movie Species 4: The Awakening is an American horror film released in 2007. Miranda Hollander was a beautiful and smart woman who was a college professor living with her "uncle", Tom Hollander. However, one day, Miranda became unconscious and was sent to a local hospital. And then she was silently transformed into alien form and kills a few people. Tom had to tell Miranda that she was the result of an experiment that combined human and alien DNA. Tom took Miranda to Mexico to find Forbes McGuire, who created Miranda. They succeeded in extending Miranda''s life, but there was something horribly wrong with the treatment. Consequently Miranda went unstable and the alien side dominates her mind. She became a killer who seduced men, in an attempt to produce offsprings and rule the world. In the final scene the house explodes and everything goes up in smoke.

The students were still deeply absorbed in the movie until the ending subtitles showed up. And finally they said goodbye to Mr. Gerard Brent and showed expectation for next week.

下一篇:外院成功举办第三场外教讲座“在美国成长” 上一篇:英语角之Open your mouth, Open your world

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