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作者: | 时间:2017-03-30 | 点击:


3月29日下午六点,英语角在图书馆一楼大厅如期举行。今天到场的外籍教师为Mr.Byron Boaz Sherman 、Mr. David Tony Whitlock和Mr.David W Koenig 。

不到六点,Mr. David Tony Whitlock已经到场并与在场的同学们进行交流。他好奇地向在场的女同学询问”Korean Style”是什么样的,还与同学们打趣道下个月就是他的生日了,希望自己会收到大家的礼物。在欢声笑语中同学们和老师之间的距离又拉近了。

Mr.Byron Boaz Sherman是第二位到场的教师。他的身边很快就聚集了许多同学。他与同学们讨论得最热烈的问题就是在参加外企面试时的注意事项。他提到要在面试官面前多谈自己的优点,少谈自己的弱点,不要显得过分自信,但是要让老板感觉应聘者是一个值得信任的人。最重要的是要给自己思考的空间,不要急着回答问题。

当Mr.David W Koenig到场后,他热情地与在场的同学打招呼,还叫出了好几位同学的名字。当被问到是如何记住大家的英文名时,他说自己是通过把同学们的名字和一些颜色以及花名联系在一起来记忆的,这也给同学们提供了一种新的记忆方式,让同学们收获颇丰。


English Corner:Anecdote Sharing

By Xavi Wang

The English corner was held in the library as usual at 6pm of March 29th. Mr.Byron Boaz Sherman, Mr. David Tony Whitlock and Mr.David W Koenig were the foreign teachers who attended today’s English Corner.

Before 6, Mr. David Tony Whitlock had been there and communicated with students happily. He consulted the girls about the meaning of“Korean Style”. He also told students that his birthday would be in next month, and he was wondering whether he would get some presents from the students or not.

Mr.Byron Boaz Sherman was the second teacher who arrived. Students surrounded him in a short time. The question he spent most time explaining was what students should be careful of when attending a job interview organized by foreign companies. He clarified that applicants should talk more about their advantages instead of shortages. What’s more, do not make oneself look complacent but act to be someone the boss can trust. More importantly, thinking twice before answering questions was highly recommended.

After Mr.David W Koenig arrived, he greeted the students and called some of their names. When asked about how he could remember others’ names, he explained that he linked their names with some colors or the names of flowers, which had given students a new idea of name memorizing.

With laughter and joy, today’s English Corner came to an end. All the students present gained a lot of knowledge.

下一篇:日语角之论日语学习 上一篇:第七届英日法葡配音大赛圆满结束

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