为迎接省第十二次党代会胜利召开,营造团结鼓劲、弘扬正气的浓厚氛围,2017年5月24日下午,外国语学院党总支师生党员在陶文好书记的带领下分别在乐育楼B107和乐育楼C109观看了献礼片《南粤党旗红》系列电影,共计观影人数 95人。
In order to welcome the convening of the 12th Congress of CCP in Guangdong Province, creating an atmosphere of unity and righteousness, General Secretary of SFL Tao Wenhao along with teachers and students with a number of 95 altogether saw a series of films such as Red Party Flag in South Guangdong etc. in the room Leyu B107 and Leyu C109 respectively on May 24.
After the reception of the notice, the General Party Branch paid particular attention to it and took watching and learning films as a significant part of deepening the practice of “Two studies, one action”. The Branch immediately organized and informed every party member, making sure that everyone of them knew the importance of this learning.
After watching films, Party members and cadres expressed that they would take the spirits of the films as guidance and integrate the learning into their work. They said that the films have deeply touched their feelings and thoughts and they would surely extract the strengths and spirits from those advanced models, feeling the positive powers of them and correcting their own shortcomings, making clear of their directions and playing a role in acting as models in their own career.