6月26日下午4时,北京师范大学珠海分校外国语学院2017届本科毕业生毕业典礼在励耘A112隆重举行。北京师范大学珠海分校校党委书记耿向东、外国语学院院长陶文好教授等校院领导及各系任课教师、2017届毕业生以及家长共聚一堂,共同祝贺2017届本科学生顺利毕业, 毕业典礼由李蕾老师主持。
英语系教师代表李丹、日语系教师代表佐藤航 、毕业生代表周放、在校生麦芷芊先后寄语毕业生,与同学们分享各自的人生体会和校园记忆, 表达了对毕业生未来的祝福和期望。诚如佐藤航老师所言,停止学习之日即是开始衰老之时,永远保持谦虚学习的态度和对新生事物的兴趣一定会让人生更加充实。
据了解, 截至2017年6月6日,外国语学院2013级四年制本科毕业生214人中共41人选择了考研出国出境,考研出国出境率达19%。在成功申请出国出境留学深造的39位同学中,有15位同学被英国著名高校录取,如伦敦大学学院、巴斯大学(联合国推崇的三大同声传译学校之一)、约克大学等;11位同学被澳大利亚的大学录取,如悉尼大学、墨尔本大学等;有4位同学将赴港澳深造,如香港大学、澳门大学等;其余同学的录取学校分布在日本、西班牙、法国等国。
Graduation Ceremony of 2017 Grandly Held
Graduation Ceremony of 2017 of School of Foreign Languages, Beijing Normal University, Zhuhai, was held grandly in LiYun A112 on 4pm, June 26th. General Secretary of BNUZ Geng Xiangdong, Dean of SFL Tao Wenhao, staff members, graduates of 2017 and parents all got together to congratulate the success on undergraduates of. The graduation ceremony was presided over by Li Lei.
Professor Tao Wenhao expressed his sincere wishes to the graduates of our school. He hoped that students would serve at a higher vision, nurture your passion and develop emotional intelligence. He suggested that all of the students should no longer use the campus mentality which confined the vision to ego self and the inch of soil where you were living. A broader historical perspective should be applied to view the country and the nation, even worldwide as they are intrinsically linked with students’ fate.
What’s more, students need not only know what to do, how to do but also know why to do; improve their emotional intelligence, not only in the trial and error to understand the world, more importantly, but learn to manage their emotions and other people's emotional ability.
The English teacher representative Li Dan, the Japanese teacher representative ZuoTeng Hang, the representative of graduates Zhou Fang, and undergraduate Mai Zhiqian expressed sincere words to graduates and shared their life experiences and campus memories with their classmates and extended their wishes and expectations for the future of graduates. As teacher ZuoTeng Hang said, the time to stop learning was the beginning of aging, we should always keep a modest learning attitude and interest in new aspect.
At the ceremony, the supervisor group led by Professor Geng Xiangdong and Professor Tao Wenhao held a grand ceremony for the award of certificates. Along with the teachers' blessing videos and songs, the ceremony came to an end although the campus life would be kept for life.
It is reported that till June 6, 2017, 41 of the 214 students, amount to 19% of all, who have graduated from the four-year acadenuc program since year 2013 at the School of Foreign Languages chose to study abroad. Among the 39 students who successfully applied for studying abroad, 15 students were admitted to famous British universities, such as University College London, University of Bath (one of the three most widely-known simultaneous interpretation universities in the United Nations), York University, etc.; 11 Students were admitted to Australian universities, such as Sydney University and the University of Melbourne. Four students would go to Hong Kong and Macao for further studies, such as Hong Kong University and Maucao University. The rest of the schools are located in Japan, Spain and France.