2017年 11月6日,外国语学院党总支副书记王燕、就业指导老师林子建老师和实习学生拜访了珠海海源教育集团-加华国际英语教育中心,就外院学生的实习工作进行了详细的探讨。
首先,负责接待的刘老师肯定了我校培养的学生表示了高度赞扬,双方共同探讨了今后外院学生实习岗位的问题。美中佳华的负责人蒋老师表示,在竞争激烈的今天,如果学生在进入社会之前没有积累足够的实习经验,是很难有所成就的。加华英语能够为外院学生提供多种不同领域的实习机会,让学生获取更多地社会经验,帮助学生全方位成长。同时他们也提到,由于海源集团的受众群体是成年人,因此实习生的工作应该不仅局限于语言教学,更应该在实习过程中努力学会如何与学员相处,有针对性地了解学员的学习情况。同时,她还建议,在校生在实习过程中需抓住机遇,积极解决遇到的困难,努力提升能力和自身的英语水平。 。
A group of teachers, led by Deputy Secretary of CPC Branch of SFL Wang Yan and student internship and employment consultant LiN Zijian visited Jiahua English International, Zhuhai Haiyuan Education Group on November 6, 2017 and had a sincere and detailed talk with the directors of teaching in the company.
Mr. Liu sang high praise for the interns from BNUZ and discussed the future cooperation between the two parties. He and his coworkers Ms Jiang told Ms Wang and Mr. Lin that students would be quite popular if they have some professional training before graduation and Jiahua English International is the ideal place. As the courses provided in Haiyuan Group are mainly for adults, students of internship should not only have an acquisition in language but have a better understanding of trainees. She also suggested students on campus should take every opportunity in university to solve the practical problems, have their abilities cultivated and enhance their English proficiency.
A bright future cooperation with uniqueness is to be expected by the two parities in order to better serve the society.