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“商骄”比赛,是澳门本土开创的年度英语大赛,已成功举行八届,本次比赛由澳门语言学会和珠海高校外语研究会主办,北京理工大学珠海学院承办, 上海外语教育出版社协办,比赛加强了澳门与周边地区的经济文化整合,是珠澳高校外语届的“以赛促学”的品牌赛事。本次比赛展现了我校学生英语应用能力和综合实践能力,也为珠海高校之间的外语交流提供了良好平台。

BNUZ team, composed of Luo Xiaobing, Huang Qi, Zhang Qihong from SFL and Jiang Ning and Yang Xun from International Faculty won the first prize in the preliminary contest in Zhuhai of the 9th "Shangjiao" English Speaking Contest held in Beijing Institute of Technology (BIT) at Zhuhai on December 23. Together with BIT team, also the first prize winner, BNUZ team will compete in Macau final contest in March 2019. 

The 9th Contest, themed with Green city, aiming to cultivate students in business, English application, critical thinking and cross-cultural communication, required all participants to design a project including business plan, marking analysis, promotion and selling. Dean and supervisor have coached the team from beginning till the contest and proposed the topic on “A Beacon of Macau: Lightening the Green City with Green Bookstore”. The proposal, integrating multi-culture in Macau with the concept of green bookstore, aimed to provide a green, multifunctional and convenient place of reading and entertainment.

The past 8 years has witnessed the great success of “Shangjiao” Business Speaking Contest. The contest of 2018 was jointly hosted by Macau Language Association and Zhuhai Foreign Language Research Association, organized by Beijing Institute of Technology at Zhuhai and sponsored by Shanghai Foreign Language Education Press. It has integrated Macau with regions around in economy and culture and has become a brand competition among universities both in Macau and Zhuhai, giving enlightenment of foreign language teaching and learning. The completion provided a chance for students of BNUZ in English language application, practice and communication with peers. 

下一篇:简讯:外国语学院党总支学生党支部“沙滩环保行”主题实践活动 上一篇:外国语学院举行2018级新生军训动员大会暨考风考纪宣传教育大会

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