陶院长通过丰富详实的史实资料,如参加长征的红军的平均年龄、 中共一大代表的生平故事、改革开放40年取得的成就等,阐释了信仰是中国共产党从苦难走向辉煌的内动力。通过讲述毛岸英罕为人所知的从事翻译经历、获得2019年国家“最美奋斗者”荣誉称号的故事,陶院长告诉在座的年轻人更要立志报国,为国奉献,多听正面故事,结交正能量的朋友。
Dean and General Secretary of CPC of SFL Branch Tao Wenhao delivered a lecture entitled with Being a Young Man with Determined Belief and Ambition to Serve for the Country in Leyu Building on September 29 afternoon, encouraging students to establish a farseeing ideal, learn solid belief from revolutionists and integrate personal growth with our country.
Dean Tao demonstrated that belief is the internal drive for CPC to grow from sufferings to glory by illustrating a series of historical data, such as the average age of participants in Long March, representatives of the 1st CPC Conference,40-year- achievements of the Reform and Opening-up Policy. By telling the rarely-heard translation story of Mao Anying and Mao Anying’s Award as “The Best Striver”, Dean Tao strengthened that students should have ambition to work for the country in the future and learn from the positive.
Students realized that belief is not a watchword, but a real action from trivial so that one could be person in need in the future.