北京师范大学珠海分校外国语学院院长,博士(英语),教授,博士生导师。广东省翻译协会副会长,广东省英语专业教学指导委员会委员,珠海市人民政府督学顾问。1995年至1996年澳大利亚昆士兰大学访问学者,同时任布里斯班语法学校语言助理。2001年8月获国家留学基金委赴英国高级访问学者身份,于2004年元月受国家留学基金委资助,留学英国牛津大学实验心理学系。留学研究学科:语言学与认知语言学。在《外语学刊》、《外语与外语教学》、《外语教学》等期刊上发表论文40余篇,出版著作40余部。主要学术成果:《认知语言学与第二语言习得》,《论up的空间和隐喻意义认知》,《中国人英语口语中he 和she误用认知分析》,《论象征结构---认知语法理论的核心》,《论隐喻的层次 --- 以方位介词up和in为例》,《从几个方位介词看翻译过程中的心理认知》,《2000年英语专业八级汉英词汇误译心理认知分析》,《几个方位介词对TR和LM空间意义的影响》等等。
Tao Wenhao(Thomas Tao), PhD(Linguistics/English), PhD supervisor, Professor and Dean of the School of Foreign Languages, Beijing Normal University at Zhuhai(BNUZ). He is Vice Director of Translation and Interpretation Association of Guandong Province, Member of Teaching Instruction Committe of English Majors of Guandong Province and Educational Inspector of Zhuhai Municipal Government. His three degrees of BA, MA and PhD are all English Language and Literature with focus of research interests in Cognitive Linguistics, Applied Linguistics, Psycholinguistics, Second Language Acquisition and TESOL. From 1995 to 1996, he was a visiting scholar in the University of Queensland, Australia and a language assistant in Chinese history and culture in Brisbane Grammar School, Queensland, Australia. In August, 2001, the China Scholarship Council granted him the fund of an advanced visiting scholar to Britain, and in January, 2004, supported by the fund, he furthered his studies in the Department of Experimental Psychology of the University of Oxford. He has so far published over 40 papers and 40 books in such journals asForeign Language Research, Foreign Languages and Their Teaching, and Foreign Language Education. His works mainly includeCognitive Linguistics and Second Language Acquisition, "On Spatial and Metaphorical Cognition of “up”, Cognitive Analysis of the Misuse of “he” and “she” in the Oral English of Chinese People", "On Symbolic Structures — Core of Cognitive Grammar", "On Dimensions of Metaphor-Based upon Prepositions of Locality of up and in", "Psychological Process of Cognition in Translation from the Perspective of Prepositions of Locality", "Cognitive Analysis of Mistakes in Chinese-English Translation in TEM8,2000", "The Influence of Some Prepositions of Locality on the Spatial Meanings of TR and LM ", and so on.
In June 2003, he came to Beijing Normal University at Zhuhai and was deeply attracted by the beauty and the landscape of the city as well as the hospitality and prosperity of the university. Therefore he decided to stay here and started his lifelong journey with his sincere and hardworking establishment and development of School of Foreign Languages, BNUZ. The memory of the great events of the faculty, his explorations into teaching reforms, the creative modules of English, Japanese majors and College English are all evidences of his diligence and devotion to the foundation and development of the faculty. Now he is proud of having such a strong staff of over 80 members of the faculty with 30 native English and Japanese teachers working with about 1200 students of English and Japanese majors besides offering over 40 different courses of College English to over 24,000 students of the university. Supported by his team members, he would like to recruit more native staff of English and Japanese with PhDs or professorship and keep the present staff of half Chinese and and half native English/Japanese teachers.
519087 北京师范大学珠海分校外国语学院
电话:++86-756-6126620 (办公室)
Contact Details:
Wenhao Tao (Thomas Tao)
PhD, Professor and Dean
School of Foreign Languages
Beijing Normal University at Zhuhai
Zhuhai, Guangdong Province 519087
P.R. China
Tel: ++86-756-6126620 (office)
Fax: ++86-756-6126808