讲师,硕士,中共党员,2012年7月起任大学外语部副主任。2002年毕业于湖南大学西语系英语专业,获文学学士学位;2005年毕业于广东外语外贸大学国际商务英语学院外国语言学及应用语言学专业,获文学硕士学位,研究方向:商务英语,二语习得。2005年9月至今在北京师范大学外国语学院担任英语教师,所授课程为大学英语、公务商务英语听说、四六级英语等。已发表的主要论文有:《Hedging in Business Correspondences》、《图式理论与英语写作》等,参编大学英语教辅类书籍《英语模拟试题试题分析及详解(同等学历人员申请硕士学位英语考试丛书)》。
I graduated from Hunan University with a Bachelor of Arts degree in English in 2002 and earned a Master of Arts degree in Linguistics and Applied Linguistics from Guangdong University of Foreign Studies in 2005. When I was a postgraduate, I had been working as a part-time teacher for around two years in College of Continuing Education and School of English for International Business of GDUFS, from which I truly benefited a lot. Then I worked as an English teacher in BNU at Zhuhai in September of the year 2005 and have been teaching English here for over 5 years. I have been giving lectures on the courses of College English, Business English Listening and Speaking, CET6 training etc. All these teaching experiences have left me with a desire to share my knowledge with more students and an enthusiasm to continue to learn and do better. More importantly I realized that I enjoy every moment of teaching and want to devote it as my lifelong career. I grew up with my students and learned that teachers who inspire students with a desire to learn and are passionate about their subject matter make the best university teachers. From July, 2012, I took the position of Vice Director of College English Department, School of Foreign Languages.
My research interests are in English for Specific English (Business English), second language acquisition and pragmatics. So far I have published some articles including Hedging in Business Correspondences, Schema Theory and English Writing and so on in periodicals and compiled a book with my supervisor English Simulative Tests Analysis and Explanation published by Jinan University Press in 2004. I am particularly interested in understanding different cultures through language learning. I have learned German as my second foreign language in Hunan University for two years and some Korean from the Korean nationality students of BNU at Zhuhai.
In my spare time I enjoy listening to music, traveling, watching entertainment shows and American TV series, surfing the net, trying different kinds of foods and making friends.