硕士,讲师,毕业于湖南大学外国语言学及应用语言学专业,研究方向:形式语言学,音系学。2004年9月开始在北京师范大学珠海分校外国语学院工作,现任外国语学院院办副主任。教授英语语言学、英语阅读、大学英语等课程。硕士研究生毕业论文曾获2006年湖南省优秀硕士学位论文奖。在校工作期间,曾任2005级3班、 4班班主任四年,2008年被外语学院评为优秀班主任。2009年,获得学院“优秀教师”奖。2010年所指导的学生毕业论文分别有一人获得校级优秀论文奖,两人获得院级优秀论文奖。发表论文包括: 《益阳方言韵母系统的非线性分析》、《音系学几个基本概念的教学》等。
Xia Yuerong, lecturer, graduated from Hunan University with an MA degree in Linguistics & Applied Linguistics (Orientation: Formal linguistics, Phonology). Since 2004 she has been teaching as a full time member of the Faculty of Foreign Languages, Beijing Normal University at Zhuhai. She works as vice-director of Administration Office of the faculty in addition to teaching courses for English and Non-English majors such as English linguistics (for English majors), Active Skills for Reading (for English majors), and College English (for non-English majors).
She won the “Excellent Thesis Award for Master’s Degree of Hunan Province” in 2006. Here at Zhuhai she worked as the head teacher of Class 3, 4 of Grade 2005 for four years and for her sincere work she won the prize of “Excellent Head Teacher of the Year (2007-2008)” in 2008 and “Excellent Teacher of the Year (2008-2009)” in 2009 awarded by the Faculty of Foreign Languages, Beijing Normal University at Zhuhai. In 2010 three of the students she instructed won the prize for the excellent thesis awarded by the university and faculty separately. Her publications include “A Non-linear Analysis of the Final System of Yiyang Dialect”, “Teaching Some Basic Concepts in Phonology”, and etc.