大学外语部副主任, 副教授
获得厦门大学英语语言文学硕士学位,河南师范大学英语语言文学学士学位,专攻系统功能语言学。在硕士学位学习期间,她做了许多有关系统功能语言学方面的研究并发表了多篇论文。在厦门学习期间,她参加了在厦门大学召开的系统功能语言学会议。在珠海分校外国语学院任教期间,她一直在进行有关语言学和语言教学方面的研究,并发表了多篇学术论文。发表的文章如下:< <弗罗斯特诗歌mending>> ,< <弗罗斯特诗歌《修墙》中的人际意义>>,< <艺术类大学英语教学>>,< <大学英语教学改革探讨>>,< <暗示法在艺术类英语教学中的应用>>,< <论弗罗斯特的诗mending>>,< <"投射"人际隐喻句的语义特征及文体价值>>,<
>,< <暗示法与少儿英语教学>>,< <英语语调与话语意义的语用分析>>. 她在珠海分校任教期间,教授了许多课程,比如 综合英语,大学英语,认知语言学,六级英语等。她的教学理念是: 英语教学不仅仅是对语言的讲解,而是拓宽学生视野,扩大学生知识面,使学生进行全面的发展。经过她的不断努力,以及良好的教学技巧和优秀的英语水平,她在珠海分校任教六年里获得如下成绩:第六届青年教师基本功大赛二等奖, 外语学院第二届青年基本功一等奖,2009-2010 年度优秀科研工作者。
Cui Yanli, female, lecturer, Vice Director of Dept of College English, Faculty of Foreign Languages, BNUZ. She obtained her bachelor Degree from Henan Normal University and earned her Master Degree from Xiamen University, majoring in English literature and linguistics,with an emphasis on functional linguistics. While in university, she did some researches in functional linguistics, published some articles on linguistics and attended the conference of functional linguistics at Xiamen. While teaching at Zhuhai campus, she also does some researches on language teaching and linguistics. She has published some scholarly articles. Her works are as follows: Metaphor in Mending Wall Written by Frost ,The Application of Suggestopedia in the English Teaching for Art Major Students, Discussion on College English Teaching Reform,College English Teaching for Art Major Students, Interpersonal Meaning in Mending Wall Written by Frost ,A Transitivity Analysis of Mending Wall Written by Frost,Functional Analysis of Mending Wall, The Functional Analysis of Interpersonal Metaphor in Projection,Pragmatic Analysis on English Intonation and Discourse Meaning,Suggestopedia and Children’s English Teaching.
She has taught for 6 years at Faculty of Foreign Languages, Beijing Normal University at Zhuhai. During these years, she has given many lectures on intensive reading, cognitive linguistics, college English, cet-6 etc. Her ideals as a teacher are to widen the horizons of her students, not just in language, but also in their overall development and world knowledge. With her hard work, wonderful teaching skills and high proficiency in English, she has made some achievements in teaching and research. She won the Second Prize in the Sixth Teaching Competition of Beijing Normal University at Zhuhai in 2009,won the First Prize in the Second Teaching Competition of the Faculty of Foreign Languages in 2009 and was awarded Excellent Academic Research Worker of The Year (2009-2010).