毕业于广东外语外贸大学英语语言文化学院,获得英语高级翻译本科学位,英国纽卡斯尔大学语言教育交流学院,获得跨文化交际硕士学位。现任北京师范大学珠海分校外国语学院讲师。从教六年里,讲授多门英专和非英专课程,包括跨文化交际、英语语音语调、广播新闻英语,新闻写作与报道、英汉对比、商务英语听说,雅思和大学英语等。同时, 积极参与科研项目并于2010完成校级科研项目《北京师范大学珠海分校学生语音语调学习状况调查》,发表论文数篇。 工作之余以游历世界为乐趣,曾经独自背包许多国家和地区。正如所说;“世界是一本书,如果不去旅行,就只能看到这本书的一页。”希望游历更广阔世界的自己正准备去翻开一页又一页的世界之书。
Weiwei Li is currently a lecturer in Faculty of Foreign Languages, Beijing Normal University at Zhuhai. She graduated from Faculty of English Language and Culture of Guangdong University of Foreign Studies, obtaining BA in Advanced English Translating and Interpreting and further her studies in University of Newcastle in the UK for MA degree in Cross-culture Communication. During her stay in BNU Zhuhai, she taught courses for both English major and non-English major students, including Intercultural Communication, English Pronunciation and Intonation, Broadcasting News, News Writing and Reporting, Business English (Listening & Speaking), IELTS, College English.
Research project is another important work of Li. An example of this was the survey project of English Pronunciation and Intonation of Students in BNU, Zhuhai, which was funded by the university and finished in 2010.
With lots of experience backpacking around Europe, Asia and China, she believes, ”World is a book, those who don''t travel read only one page”, and is preparing to turn the pages of the book.