刘金哲, 2005—2012年在南开大学攻读汉语国际教育专业,获得文学学士学位及汉语国际教育硕士学位。作为项目组长参加过首届国家大学生创新性实验计划和“百项工程”创新科研项目,分别获得一等奖和二等奖。发表论文《辨析“幸亏”与“好在”》、《对外汉语教学趋向补语偏误分析》。多次担任过美国威斯康辛、美国海军学院、日本名古屋大学等留学生课程教师。2010年以国家汉办派遣的非英语语种对外汉语教师身份,赴日本樱美林大学孔子学院进行日本语及汉语教学能力培训,并担任孔子学院社会班发音课、暑期会话课及高中生入门课程授课教师。现为外国语学院辅导员,我将会用心关爱每一个学生,用自己的努力帮助学生更好地成长!
I am Liu Jinzhe, majoring in Teaching Chinese as a Foreign Language in Naikai University from 2005 to 2012 and got my Bachelor of Arts as well as Master of Teaching Chinese to Speakers of Other Languages there. As a project leader, I took part in the first national innovative pilot scheme for university students and the undergraduate innovative activities of “100 projects”, for which I got the first and second prize respectively. Papers such as “A Comparative Analysis of ‘Xingkui’and ‘Haozai’”, and “An Analysis of the Tendency Complement Errors in Teaching Chinese as a Foreign Language” were published. I served as a Chinese teacher in many overseas universities, for example, Wisconsin University, United States Naval Academy, Nagoya University and so on. I was dispatched to J.F. Oberlin University as a Chinese teacher for non-native English speakers by Confucius Institute Headquarters. I received my Japanese language as well as Chinese language teaching ability training there. In the meantime, I taught high school students pronunciation, conversation and introductory courses in Confucius Institute. Now I work as a student counselor in the School of Foreign Languages, and I will care for every student attentively and help them grow better with my best efforts!