Liu Haixia, Lecturer, MA, graduated from Zhong Nan University and earned her BA degree in 2001. In 2005, she graduated from Zhong Shan University, majoring in Linguistics and Applied Linguistics, and specialized in college foreign language education. In 2010, she was granted MA degree by Guangdong University of Foreign Studies and specialized in Japanese Phonetics. Now she is responsible for some specialized courses for the English and Japanese major students and some college English courses for non-English major students. She has published several articles in such journals as Japanese Learning and Study, Journal of Beijing Normal University (Social Sciences) (supplement), Journal of Dongguan University of Technology and Journal of Chifeng University etc. Her articles are mostly related to English and Japanese Language study. Now she mainly focuses on the second language acquisition and the third language acquisition. Being a sincere person, she has great passion for teaching too.