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兰静(Lucy Lan)

作者: | 时间:2011-03-18 | 点击:

本科毕业于西南大学后被保送于本校就读研究生,本科为英语教育专业,研究生为英语语言文学专业,均获得优秀毕业生称号,现为助教,主要研究方向为英美文学,发表了《从电影< 夜宴>看< 哈姆莱特>剧本在中国影视解读中的异化》等文章。自进入北京师范大学珠海分校以来,一直勤于研究,认真向身边的老师学习请教,自己也边备课边学习,注重运用教学理论于实践,活跃课堂气氛,启发学生自主学习的能力,主要负责讲授英语专业和大学英语学生的英语戏剧、英语短篇小说、大学英语和四级英语等课程。同时承担了班主任工作,在工作中尽量发挥自己的特长,倾听同学们的心声,为大家排忧解难。在业余时间,爱好广泛,例如运动、表演和画画等。

My name is Lan Jing. I gained my English undergraduate BA degree in education and MA in literature of English language from the Foreign Language Department, Southwest University of China. I published articles during my post-graduate studies including Dissimilation of Hamlet in a Chinese Film The Banquet which shows my interest in combining English drama and its performance in China together and another article about William Shakespeare’s A Middle Summer Night’s Dream, both of which are also beneficial in my teaching of English drama to Chinese students today.

Shortly after my Master’s graduation I began teaching English at Faculty of Foreign Languages, Beijing Normal University at Zhuhai. Throughout my teaching of more than two years, I have been giving lectures on College English, CET-4, English drama and English short stories for both English majors and non-English majors, during which I have learned from other teachers and developed my own way of teaching. Meanwhile, I have published one article since I came to teach at Faculty of Foreign Languages, Beijing Normal University at Zhuhai which is about a famous American novel The Sound and the Fury by William Faulkner. The inspiration came from the teaching of one of his short stories called “A Rose for Emily”. I’m also a head teacher of senior students, which facilitates a close student-teacher relationship, allowing a very clear understanding of their minds. For all these reasons, the more I teach the more I learn; and vise versa.

BNUZ is bountiful in extracurricular activities. I am the director of the Shakespeare Amateur Dramatics Society of the university which helps influence my performing and painting endeavors. In other spare time, I go swimming, skating and bicycling. The sports field of real grass, the mountains around and the wind from the ocean provide a healthy environment for outdoor sports and the picturesque sceneries give a good place for performing and I do like that for painting influences.

下一篇:杜娟娟(Julia Du) 上一篇:曹莺莺

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