Dr. Troy M. Smith

“I took the road less traveled and that has made all the difference.” This poem by Robert Frost, entitled ‘The Road Not Taken’, is perhaps best representative of both my personal and academic life. Although educated as an American Lawyer, I was never enamored with the practice of law, and instead chose a path in the field of international education. This path led to a number of exotic, exciting, and enriching teaching and life experiences, in a wide variety of academic disciplines and locations. I came to China after several years of teaching in the Middle East, most of which were spent in Saudi Arabia and Kuwait, where I taught IELTS, TOEFL,and English for Academic & Special Purposes (EAP & ESP) at the University level. I also held consultative, assessment, & examiner roles in Academic Western testing with the British Counsel and ETS, involving IELTS and TOEFL respectively. Afterwards, I came to China, and after a short time in Beijing, relocated to Zhuhai, I fell in love with this city, decided to stay, and the rest is history. I now consider Zhuhai my second home.
I came to BNUZ at the suggestion of a good friend who currently teaches here. The courses I enjoy teaching the most are the ones I am privileged to teach here, including IELTS, Advanced English, and College English for the CET. I’m also excited about my new role of advising students working on their thesis.
At times my cavalier teaching style of classroom banter, witty dialogue, laughter, Hawaiian shirts, shorts, and open toed shoes overshadows the fact that I am an academic with a terminal degree. Although I never define myself by these accomplishments, nonetheless areview of these achievements may be of interest to those perusing my portfolio. I hold a Doctorate (Juris Doctor) in English Law & Writing from the University of Baltimore School of Law, a Master’s Degree in Education from the University of Maryland Baltimore County, and Bachelor Degrees in Russian Studies & Political Science from Syracuse University in New York. I also hold Certifications in teaching IELTS, TOEFL, and Business English.
My academic philosophies and objectives are equally unique and different as the path I chose to travel. I believe the classroom should be a sanctuary of open and honest discourse and dialogue, with both the teacher and resources available to the students, but not imposed upon them. This creates an atmosphere of academic inquiry, mutual respect, trust, where both the students and teacher are free to explore the material being discussed, and thoughts, opinions, discussions, and reflections of the lesson can be shared safely. Although my lessons are well planned and executed, I am always seeking teachable moments and the ‘evolving curriculum’ which inevitably occurs in my classes, due to the atmosphere I try to cultivate during the lesson.
In my spare time, I enjoy traveling, exploring the beautiful culture of Asia, reading, current events, playing board games like chess and backgammon, sampling delicious Chinese & Western cuisine, and communicating with BNUZ students who are pursuing and living their dream. I’m lucky to be part of such a special academic community and look forward to working with both students and staff alike in the future.