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Mr. Brad QuinnIt is a pleasure to feel the warm welcome of BNUZ and Zhuhai. Prior to coming here, I was living in Taipei where I spent several years as a teacher and student of life, among other things. It has been a daily source of pleasure and amusement getting accustomed to life in this corner of the world. I am sure that I will continue to enj...[详细]
Dr. Benjamin SherlockMy name is Ben and I come to China from Scotland. I have experience tutoring both groups and individuals at both college and at university levels where I have taught courses in Communication, Media, English, Journalism, Research Methodology, Cultural Studies and Comparative Literature. Since becoming TEFL qualified I have undertaken ...[详细]
Dr.Shawn WarrenI’m a Canuck – someone from Canada. I was born and raised in Halifax, Nova Scotia, on the east coast of the country. I have very fond memories of home, but as I write this it is -10 Celsius with over 15 centimeters of snow. They can have it! I’m very happy to be here in warm, green Zhuhai.Halifax is a university town, where I tau...[详细]
Mr. Winston ShumakerGreetings. My name is Winston Shumaker and I’m an American from the state of Arkansas. I’ve been in China for the last 10 years teaching English. I came to China because of an interest in Chinese culture and I’ve done my best to study and understand it while here. I’d like to take what I’ve learned back to the US one day so t...[详细]
Ms. Rebecca GayRebecca was born and raised in London - a metropolis of language and culture.She has long held an interest in language as an instrument – how through vocal chords people can communicate notions as abstract as the workings of space and time.Ideas are becoming more widespread, but expression is often limited by language barriers. For th...[详细]
Dr. Matthew ConductHello! I come from Durham in the UK, where I have spent the last decade or so studying philosophy. I have been interested in philosophy for a very long time, probably because: (a) it requires lots of arguing and I love arguing, (b) it doesn’t require much actual practical knowledge of how things work and (c) you can say pretty much wh...[详细]
Mr. Wataru Sato北海道出身。修士。大学では言語学を専攻。2007年大阪外国語大学外国語学部(現大阪大学外国語学部)中東地域文化学専攻アラビア語科を卒業、学士号を取得。2009年には神戸大学大学院国際文化学研究科で修士号を取得。同年『日本語教育能力検定試験』を受験し、合格。日本語教師の有資格者として2010年から香港にある民間の学校で日本語を教え始める。2011年9月...[详细]
Mr. Brian HarrisonI sprang into this world in the USA in the southern state of Alabama and my interests since I was a boy were a myriad of different activities. But I was an avid drawer and reader and also quite attach...[详细]
Mr.Martin MaginnI was born in London to a British father and Chinese mother. I lived in England during my formative years before being whisked off to Asia together with my family, first to Tokyo, and then to Shanghai...[详细]
Mr. Hiromasa Meguro奈良県出身。[详细]
Ms. Kayoko Matsushima神戸市外国語大学外国語学部中国学科卒、同大学院外国語学研究科中国学科語学専攻修了。[详细]
地址:广东省珠海市唐家湾金凤路北京师范大学珠海分校外国语学院 邮编:519087 E-mail:wyxy@bnuz.edu.cn 学院招生咨询电话:0086-756-6126560 招生邮箱:wyxy@bnuz.edu.cn 电话:0086-756-6126560 传真:0086-756-6126861 版权所有:北京师范大学珠海分校 外国语学院粤ICP备05026012号 |
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