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Dr. Indika Liyanage——语言的交际与运用

作者: | 时间:2014-11-18 | 点击:


11月18日下午3:40,来自澳大利亚格里菲斯大学的Dr. Indika Liyanage,为外院在校本科生带来一场学术讲座。外国语学院副院长谢庆立副教授、副院长谢文婷副教授及部分外院讲师均到场出席。该讲座题为“交际能力与双语能力的关系”,并在丽泽楼D106如期举行。

据悉,Dr. Indika Liyanage作为格里菲斯大学教育与专业研究学院的资深讲师,近15年来,已发表期刊文献15篇、学术论文10篇,参与编著并付梓的学术著作10部;并且拥有哲学博士、应用语言学文学硕士、对外英语教学硕士学位。此次讲座,Dr. Indika Liyanage首先针对“语言”这一抽象概念提出问题,并在逐个解答的过程中得出“语言为交际而生”的结论。其次,Dr. Indika Liyanage介绍了交际能力的组成因素,分别为文法能力、演说能力、社交能力和交流策略;语言学习者必须要熟练掌握这四种能力,才能将所学语言灵活运用。再次,Dr. Indika Liyanage谈及通用英语与学术英语的区别,指出语言只有在人脑大量输入才能更好地输出;此外他还结合文章性质分析通用英语与学术英语的具体运用范围。

最后,Dr. Indika Liyanage将双语学习的目的上升到文化层面,他认为双语学习者要担负起传承文化的责任,“语言只是载体,文化才是精粹。”他补充道。

A Lecture for Undergraduates: Communicative Competence & Bilingualism

By Ma Jingyuan

On November 18th, a lecture entitled Communicative Competence & Bilingualism was given by Dr. Indika Liyanage in Room D106 of Lize Building at 3:40 p.m..

Dr. Indika Liyanage is a senior lecturer of the School of Education & Professional Studies of Griffith University. Over the past 15 years he has published 15 journal articles, 10 conference papers, and 10 book chapters. Besides, he received a PhD Doctor of Philosophy, a MA Applied Linguistics and a MA in TESOL. In the lecture, he began with some questions focused on “language”, then he drew a conclusion from his explanations of those questions. “The main purpose of learning a language is to become a competent communicator.” he said.

After that he introduced communicative competences, which included grammatical competence, discourse competence, sociolinguistic competence and strategic competence. Language learners needed to master all four communicative competences in order to be proficient in the target language. When it came to the differences between general English and Academic English, it was important to ensure sufficient input so that output could be produced.

In the end, the aim of bilingual education was lifted up to a cultural level by Dr. Indika Liyanage. He thought bilinguals should have a sense of responsibility for protecting languages and more importantly, the culture. "Cultures are preserved not crushed; cultures are valued and respected.” he added.

下一篇:王东风教授——意义的不同类型与翻译 上一篇:Dr. Indika Liyanage——语言学习的策略及风格

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