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2016级新生开学典礼院长致辞Opening Ceremony Speech for Freshmen of 2016

作者: | 时间:2016-09-05 | 点击:

Opening Ceremony Speech for Freshmen of 2016

Tao Wenhao

3 September, 2016

Good evening, boys and girls, ladies and gentlemen.

On behalf of the School of ForeignLanguages, Beijing Normal University at Zhuhai, I would like to extend mycongratulations to you for the excellent performance you have done at thenational college entrance examinations. My warmest welcome to the beautifulvalley university, Beijing Normal University at Zhuhai!

A day like this is always such a specialoccasion for our freshmen and of course the school of foreign languages. Forour new students, it marks a culmination of your hard work, dedication andperseverance during the past years. It is also the commencement of a newchapter in your life. Meanwhile, for the school of foreign languages, it is thestarting point to accompany you through a new phase of your life. It is timefor us to shoulder the task of providing you with on-going education of higherlearning. In the following four years for the undergraduate, and two years forthe MA candidates, the school of foreign languages will witness your marvelousprocess in pursuit of academic learning. I have confidence that each of you,youthful and full of spirit, will be the elite with vision, mind and wisdom inthe future.

On this wonderful occasion, full of joyand expectation, I am filled with many things to say and I will make the choiceof starting with the introduction to the School of Foreign Languages. TheSchool of Foreign Languages established on June 16th, 2003 is one of thelargest schools of the university. The school of foreign languages is staffedby 80 dedicated and professional teaching faculty with relevant expertise andworking experiences. Of all the teaching staff members, there are 30 nativeteachers of English or Japanese which account for nearly a half. Most of ourteachers graduated from prestigious universities at home and abroad. Some ofthe staff hold PhD degrees and some hold full and associate professorship. Somehave been the supervisors of master students.

Since its foundation, the school offoreign languages has emphasized the teacher’s professional development andcared about how to develop the effective teachers so as to enhance the teachingquality of the school of foreign languages. The school of foreign languages haslaunched summer programs on teaching strategies and academic research inoverseas countries for our teachers. In recent two years, 10 of our Chinese staffhave taken the summer program in Australia and Canada to explore the teachingstrategies on international level. And some of the teachers present on theopening ceremony of our school tonight have just been back from Australia andCanada. As a member of our school, you will have the chance to sit in thewonderful and enlightening lectures from our distinguished teachers andprofessors, and can experience their energy, enthusiasm and creativity at thesame time.

With excellent faculty and richresources, our school is targeting to foster first-rate interdisciplinary,innovative, independent English professionals on an international perspectivefor various fields. In order to strengthen the aim of our school, the schoolhas been exploring the possibilities of fine-tuning its features of majorteaching. One of the features is that we have set up bilingual orientations forstudents of both English and Japanese majors, such as English-French,English-Portuguese and Japanese-English, etc., which provide the chance forstudents to experience the multicultural background of two foreign languagesand broaden their horizon. Meanwhile, the school of foreign languages offersmore practical or practice-oriented courses for the juniors and seniors to pushforward the cultivation of qualified English and Japanese professionals. We arekeen on establishing more credit points from native English countries and Japanfor both majors. Thus the students of both English and Japanese majors haveopportunities to the languages in a native environment. The bilingual, as wellas the bi-credit points mode of education will make you unique and morecompetitive than other students of foreign languages from other universities.

Besides the multicultural environment,our school also enables our students to have international learning experiencesthrough international educational exchange programs. In the past years, manyJapanese and English major students have taken such programs, which definitelyenhance their multicultural understandings, enrich their study experience andbroaden their international vision. With such a solid foundation for theirfuture study and career, I am confident that more opportunities are waiting foryou and your all-round competence on international level is surely ahead ofyou.

Thanks to the high-quality education andstudents'''' diligence, every year more than twenty percent of our BA graduates goon to read for MA degrees in the prestigious universities at home and abroad,such as Beijing University of Foreign Studies, Sun Yat-sen University, ChineseUniversity of Hong Kong, University of Edinburgh ,Guangdong University ofForeign Studies,University of London, etc. I strongly believe that bythe time you graduate, more of you will be enrolled by more prestigiousuniversities all over the world .

On hearing the teaching quality of ourschool and data of graduates going for higher degrees, I am sure you aredetermined to make full use of the sources in our school and strive to achievemore in the future. At this special moment, the threshold of what is sometimescalled critical period of your life, I would also like to give you some advice.

Firstly, put study on top of the list.As soon as you enter the campus of the university, you may see there are morevarious activities than those in senior high school. You are free to check themout but always remember that you are here first and foremost for youreducation. Please go to classes well prepared and on time. Make sure yourprofessor knows you and realizes that you care.

Secondly, set goals for your new life.Some students might have a little anxiety about the life in the new place. ButI want to remind you that as long as you set your goal for the next stage ofyour life, know exactly where you want to go, you will find true success andhappiness. I like the following quotation: “success is the continuous journeytowards the achievement of predetermined worthwhile goals.”

Thirdly, be creative in your academiclearning. We live in an age of innovation, when creativity is of increasingvalue. Without creativity,there would be no progress. To be creative,you should be open to new ideas and different perspectives and be of criticalthinking ability.

Last of all, be thankful in your life.Every time you celebrate an achievement, be thankful to those who made itpossible. Thank your parents and friends who supported you. Thank your teacherswho were inspirational for you to make a success.

To conclude myspeech tonight:I would like to quote the motto of both the university as well as our school.

Of Study, be the Master. Of Behavour,be the Model.

Love, Knowledge, Morality andIntegrity.

Thank you!

亲爱的同学们,女士们、先生们, 晚上好!

















下一篇:2016届毕业典礼院长致辞 Speech at the Graduation Ceremony of 2016 上一篇:2017届毕业典礼院长致辞Speech at the Commencement of 2017

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