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The Special Culture Night

作者: | 时间:2012-12-25 | 点击:

By Deng Yin

The Special Culture Night of the School of Foreign Languages was held in Liyun A101 on December 21st. Ms. Linda Visner held the activity called Cookies Party, and Associate Professor Xie Wenting, the Vice Dean, attended it as a guest.

The party started at 7 p.m.. With the help of the students, Linda brought all the equipment for making brownie. She showed the students detailed instructions on how to make brownies. After the students figured out the whole process, she asked them to do it on their own and guided them patiently. Linda''s son Nicolas, who also brought a lot of happiness, was a great helper in the process of making brownies. While waiting for the brownies, the game part started. Students were enjoying the stories about the origin and history of Christmas and playing guessing game when the brownies were being baked. What’s more, the beautiful songs that were sung by the students seemed to make the time stop at that moment which became a permanent memory of every one.

All the students had an unforgettable experience on the special culture night. The Cookies Party added the warmth and happiness to the cold winter night.

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