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BNUZ Movie Nights: Paul

作者: | 时间:2011-10-26 | 点击:

By Rae Cheung

At 7 p.m. on October 20, Mr. Charlie Reis, a foreign teacher of the School of Foreign Languages, also friend of Mr. Tim Musgrave held the weekly Movie Nights in Lize A109. The movie showed was "Paul" , a classic English black humor movie mixed up with science fiction elements.

This movie is about two English nerds who were crazy about comic books and films came all the way to America to attend the Comic-con. Afterward, they came to the mysterious 51 strict where is said to have had lots of sightings of aliens. To their surprise, they really encountered a cute alien named Paul who begged them to help him to find the way home. After a series of incidents, the team to send Paul home grew bigger. And through many difficulties, Paul finally found his way home.

At the beginning, the two English nerds’freaky actions, about science fictions and comic books, made many laughingstocks. The solutions to classic science fiction films were also impressive and interesting. With the development of the plots, somehow they were chasing one after another with guns, which made the joyful atmosphere intense. However, it became warm and comforting when Paul went home with the help of all the people. Thus, the whole film had given people a variety of feelings.

This film showed the affection and connection between human beings and aliens, especially the scene in which all the guys waved goodbye to Paul. It made people cherish the relationships between human beings and treasure the love given by others. Students said that they liked the movie very much, and some expressed their opinions about human relationships and value of life.

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