2018年9月18日晚7:30,外国语学院于乐育楼B107成功举办2018-2019学年第1学期第一场名为“英语教学”的科研月沙龙。此次科研月沙龙活动由外国语学院院长、党总支书记陶文好教授主持,并特邀德国教授Reinhold Wandel 前来分享他在外语教学上的经验。外国语学院副院长谢庆立和谢文婷、党总支副书记王燕,部分英语教师及教辅人员也参加了此次沙龙。
在简短的自我介绍后,Reinhold Wandel 教授强调他并非在做一个讲座,而是和在座的各位分享他关于外语教学的一些方法。紧接着,Reinhold Wandel 教授和在座的教师们做了几个外语教学上可以用到的小游戏,借此说明戏剧教学法的重要性。他提道,外语语法的教学不能只是口头讲述,还应教会学生如何去使用语法,在实践中领悟语法。在互动环节中,Reinhold Wandel教授风趣幽默,现场气氛欢快和谐。
The First Monthly Salon for Academic Research of School of Foreign Languages
Translated by Yan Chengyu
In the evening of September 18th, School of Foreign Languages (SFL) successfully held the first Monthly Salon for Academic Research of this term in Room B107, Leyu Building. It was hosted by Professor Tao Wenhao, the Secretary of General Party Branch and Dean of SFL. Vice Dean and Associate Professor Xie Qingli and Xie Wenting, Deputy Secretary of General Party Branch of SFL Wang Yan, and many teachers of the School attended the salon.
The topic of the salon was English teaching. After a self-introduction, Professor Reinhold Wandel emphasized that he was not to make a speech but to share some methods about the teaching of foreign languages with everyone present. And then, he played some games with teachers which could be used in the teaching of foreign languages in order to illustrate the importance of Drama Teaching. He mentioned that the grammar teaching of foreign language should not only be oral expression, but also teaching students how to use grammar, in other words, students should learn the grammar in practice. During the interaction, Professor Reinhold Wandel had a fine sense of humor, making the atmosphere cheerful and harmonious .
At last, Dean Tao Wenhao summarized that the Drama Teaching was very popular overseas nowadays. Chinese teachers should learn these teaching methods and apply them to the teaching practice and think about how to improve their own level of foreign language teaching, which would be of great importance to improve the overall level of teaching skills of SFL.