(记者 颜成宇)2018年12月19日,外国语学院本学期第四场主题为“教育戏剧与阅读教学的深度融合”的科研月沙龙在乐育楼B107成功举办。本次沙龙由院长陶文好教授主持,特邀研究生校友谢芷静担任嘉宾,外国语学院部分老师和研究生出席了本次科研沙龙。
主讲人谢芷静首先要求在场的听众做一个简单的自我介绍并做一些简单的活动以此来“暖场”。此外,她通过对戏剧教学法定义的提问让在场的嘉宾对戏剧教学这一概念有一个初步的了解。其次,她以多种可用于课堂英语教学诸如猜哑谜、场景再现等的小活动向我们展示了如何在英语课堂上运用戏剧教学法。然后她给我们展示了当今美国戏剧教学的现状以及发展,总结了戏剧教学法的三个步骤:Body warming、Reading 以及 Extension.
SFL Holds 4th Monthly Salon for Academic Research
The School of Foreign Languages held the 4th Monthly Salon for Acadamic Research in B107 of Leyu building on Dec.19th, 2018. The salon themed DRAMA EDUCATION AND READING TEACHING was hosted by Dean Tao Wenhao, and Xie Zhijing, an alumna, was invited as to give a lecture on the topic. Present at the salon were some faculty members and post-graduate students.
Dean Tao Wenhao first introduced the alumna Xie Zhijing. She graduated from BNUZ with an MA degree in English Teacching. After graduation, she worked as an English teacher in a middle school in Shenzhen. She is currently an MA student in Drama Teaching at New York University.
In the lecture, Ms Xie first of all asked the audience to do a simple self-introduction and some simple warm-up activities. In addition, she gave a preliminary introduction to the concept of drama teaching through questions on the definition of the drama teaching method. Secondly, she showed how to use drama teaching in English classes with a variety of activities to be used in English teaching, such as pantomime and role play. Then she used ppt to present the current status and development of drama teaching in America, and summarized three steps of the drama teaching: Body warming, Reading and Extension.
In the Q and A section, Ms. Xie elaborated on how critical thinking could be incoporated into class activities and how time be allocated better.