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作者: | 时间:2019-03-24 | 点击:


3月23日上午,中葡经贸合作论坛前秘书长王成安和巴西学者Stephan Mothe一行应邀来外国语学院进行访问,并向师生做学术交流讲座。

上午,Stephan Mothe向在场的同学们介绍了巴西概况,包括巴西的早期殖民发展历史、曲折的近现代革命以及现任巴西政府的外交政策,展示了热情、奔放的巴西民族的人文地理,通过交流,与会师生对这个南美洲最大的国家,有了更深层次和立体化的了解。Stephan Mothe本身留学清华大学,精通西班牙语、汉语、法语,初步掌握意大利语,他通过自身的语言学习经历,建议同学们保持对葡语学习的热情,也欢迎同学们到巴西学习交流。



The Former General Secretary of China and Portuguese-speaking Countries Economic Cooperation Forum Wang Cheng’an and Brazilian scholar Stephan Mothe were invited to School of Foreign Languages and delivered two lectures to the teachers and students.

In the morning, Mr. Stephan Mothe introduced briefly the survey of Brazil, including early colonial history, twists and turns in modern revolution and the current foreign policy. He left students with deeper and all-round impression on Brazilian geography and culture. Stephan Mothe, who once studied in Tsinghua University, is a master in Spanish, Chinese and French and has grasped Italian quite well and he encouraged students by taking his own experience to study Portuguese in the future and welcome them to Brazil for further studies someday.

In the afternoon, the Former General Secretary of China and Portuguese-speaking Countries Economic Cooperation Forum Wang Cheng’an delivered students a speech entitled “Talents in New Era”. He told students his own experience in Portuguese learning and career possibilities. He stated that China is the largest trade partner to Brazil and the more economic cooperation between China- Brazil, an indispensible part in the global economy, brings more opportunities to talents in language, technology and research. 

Dean and Professor Tao Wenhao chaired the two speeches. He introduced the 6-year Portuguese teaching in SFL is the firstly-established teaching among universities in Zhuhai. SFL will take advantage of the historical chances, such as “One Belt, One Road” and “Guangdong-Hongkong-Macau Greater Bay Area “construction, to cultivate more students to work for China and Portuguese-speaking countries. (Reported by Yan Chengyu)


下一篇:外国语学院举办本学期第四场科研月沙龙 上一篇: 陶文好教授为外国语学院学生举办书记第一课

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