(本网讯)(记者 苏俊强)
院长陶文好教授首先发表致辞,表达了对同学们的殷殷期盼。他对这些即将远行的孩子们,在经历了大学教育的洗礼和自我蜕变后,充分肯定了他们的才华、聪慧与自信。 在毕业之际,他通过分享两个小故事,让大家明白底线的重要性,鼓励大家保持“我能做到”的劲头, 选择相信,才能过上“不负此生”的生活:每当你回首往昔,都能看到自己曾经年轻如夏花般的笑脸!谆谆教诲,让在场学生受益匪浅。
教师代表Shawn Patrick Warren博士 把学生们毕业的这一天形容为A day of change, 鼓励大家要勇于做出改变。学生代表黄静雯则通过分享自己的梦想,从质疑到不断地坚信、努力、成长。告诉大家要守住梦想,听从自己的内心,命运掌握在自己手中。
由陶文好教授带领的学院十位教师组成的导师团,在激动人心的氛围中为毕业生们颁发毕业证书、拨穗。 学院数位教师送给毕业生们的祝福视频、教师代表Darren, 刘姝、杨晟和相声社的同学为在座的毕业生表演了文艺节目,让同学们感受到学院教师奋发向上、热情洋溢的精神风貌和广大在校生对毕业生的深深祝福。
聚也依依,散也依依,乐声幽幽,心也幽幽。 难忘师恩,师恩难忘,愿所有毕业生们永远地记得,这一段在北师珠度过的充满奋斗激情的闪亮日子,在以后的人生路上,和快乐相伴,与幸福相随。
SFL Held Graduation Ceremony
Graduation Ceremony 2019 was held in the conference hall of Guojiao Hotel at 10:30 on June 22, 2019, attended by Professor Tao Wenhao, Dean of SFL, Associate Professor Xie Qingli, Vice Dean of SFL, Associate Professor Xie Wenting, Deputy Secretary of General Branch of CPC, SFL, staff members and graduates.
Dean and Professor Tao Wenhao expressed his his sincere blessings at this departure moment to the graduates who have been successful in their university life and experienced changes. He confirmed their talent, wisdom and self-confidence. Dean Tao by taking example of two stories stated the importance of bottom line, encouraged everyone to keep an insistence of “I can”,and suggested the choice of choosing to believe. With the three suggestions above, students could live a life in which they will be always true to themselves. In other words: Whenever you look back on the past, there will be always smiles like blooming flowers on your faces. The students attended learned a lot from these sincere suggestions.
Dr. Shawn Patrick Warren,on behalf of the staff members, described the graduation day as a day of change and encouraged students to have a real change with bravery in the future. Ms. Huang Jingwen shared her own dream from the beginning suspect, efforts and growth. She suggested the fate is controlled by yourselves and your dream could only come when you hold fast to it by your heart.
A group of 10 supervisors, headed by Professor Tao conferred each student the diploma and turned the tassels. The blessing video from staff members and the performances by Mr. Darren, Miss Liu Shu, Miss Yang Sheng and Cross Talk Club expressed the spirit of vigorous and enthusiastic staff as well as the blessings from on-campus students.
It’s really reluctant to say goodbye to everything in BNUZ. The music itself couldn’t express the departing gloom. What unforgettable teachers we have! What grateful heart we should have! BNUZ life have brought you those days with efforts and vigor and continues to stay with your rest of life with happiness.