本次大赛以“Smart City”为主题,要求参赛队伍通过商业项目设计,以团队演讲的形式来说明项目构成、资金来源、市场分析、和推广渠道,构筑澳门智慧城市品牌,旨在提升学生制定和表述英文商务策划的专业水平,向世界各地推广澳门及澳门旅游。
第十届澳门“商骄”商务英语演讲决赛由澳门语言学会主办,澳门城市大学外语教育与研究中心、珠海高校外语研究会协办,是澳门本土开创的年度英语盛会。自2015年3月以来,受珠海高校外语研究会之邀,澳门“商骄”商务英语演讲比赛珠海赛区决赛在珠海已经举办了五届,参赛队伍涵盖珠海、广州、中山等地的高校外语精英,北京师范大学珠海分校代表队分别在第六、第七、第九届、第十届珠海赛区决赛中获得团体一等奖的好成绩。此次决赛,我校代表队和粤港澳大湾区6所大学的学界精英同台竞争,激烈角逐,以总分第一的成绩位居榜首。澳门语言协会副会长、澳门城市大学外语教育与研究中心主任胡波老师希望通过此次比赛,加强港澳台学生与内陆的学术交流,拓展商业创意思维。 “行百里者半九十”,希望同学们能在外语学习的道路上乘风破浪、扬帆远航。
The 10th “Shangjiao” Business English Speaking Contest was held in City University of Macau on April 14. BNUZ team “Phoenix” which is composed of Li Zelin, Naren Yihua and Zhu Rui from School of Foreign Languages and Li Jingyan from School of International Business Faculty and Li Haoxuan from School of Logistics won the Championship after two rounds of competitions. Naren Yihua was awarded “the Most Popular Speaker”.
The 10th contest, themed with “Smart City”, required all participants to design a commercial project including business components, foundation, marking analysis and promotion, design a business proposal and promote Macau in international popularity as well as presented by the team to the audience. It aims to improve students' professional skills of making and presenting English business plans, and promote Macao and its tourism to all parts of the world.
The leaders of SFL took the contest seriously and planned elaborately with the coach Ms Lu Xinwei and five participants.Team members learned from professional teachers and students with an open mind. They practiced pronunciation hard, brainstormed every week, redesigned manuscripts many times, and made great adjustments in scheme design and presentation form. After countless academic discussions and sleepless nights, the students finally fulfilled the expectations and embraced the championship in this Macao final, which is a reflection of successful English teaching in BNUZ.
The 10th “Shangjiao” Business English Speaking Contest, hosted by Linguistic Society of Macau and co-organized by Foreign Language Education and Research Center of City University of Macau and Foreign Language Research Association of Universities in Zhuhai, is an annual English event and the competition. Universities in Zhuhai, Guangzhong and Zhongshan have participated in the preliminary contest in Zhuhai every year since March, 2015, invited by Foreign Language Research Association of Universities in Zhuhai. BNUZ team has won the First Prize in year 2015, 2016, 2018 and 2019. In the final ,BNUZ team competed with the academic elites from six universities in the Guangdong-Hongkong-Macao Greater Bay Area, and ranked the first in total score. Professor Hubo, Vice President of Linguistic Society of Macau and Director of Foreign Language Education and Research Center of City University of Macau, hoped to strengthen academic exchanges between Students from Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan and mainland China and expand their creative business thinking through the competition. Hope students can ride the wind and smash the wave on the journey of language learning.(translated by Xiao Yueyuan)