毕业于广西师范大学外语系,获文学硕士学位。中山大学访问学者。先后在广西工学院、广东工业大学、北京师范大学珠海分校任教。其间曾参与深圳富士康集团为期一年的英语培训工作,亦曾参与内蒙古鄂尔多斯中学英语教师的暑期培训工作。主要担任商务英语、高级阅读和研究生英语的教学任务,现讲授高级英语和大学英语课程。2004年,代表外语学院参加校级教学示范课, 受到大家的好评。2008年至2009年,两度被学院评为“优秀教师”。迄今发表学术论文17篇,出版商务英语教材一部,参编大学英语四级考试用书两本,2010年,被学院评为“优秀科研工作者”。教学科研之余热衷于体育锻炼,2005年,在校运会中获教工组100米短跑第一名,2004年及2006年,在女子4×100接力赛中获第二名。
Lily Zheng gained an M.A. in English from Guangxi Normal University. She was a visiting scholar to Sun Yat-Sen University, and has taught in three universities, namely, Guangxi Institute of Technology, Guangdong University of Technology, and now BNU at Zhuhai. She taught English in Foxconn Technology Group (Shenzhen) for a year, and trained middle school teachers in Ordos, Inner Mongolia in a summer holiday. The majority of the courses she taught were Business English, Advanced Reading, and English for Postgraduates. Now she is teaching Advanced English and College English. In 2004, she demonstrated teaching in the university on behalf of the Faculty of Foreign Languages, and her demonstration was favorably reviewed. In Appreciation of her dedication to English teaching, she was chosen as “Excellent Teacher” of the faculty in 2008 and 2009. She has so far published 17 articles, a book on business English, and two workbooks on CET-4. In 2010, she was chosen as Excellent Academic Research Worker of the Faculty. In addition to teaching and academic research, her favorite is sport. She won the championship of 100 meter dash in the sports meet of the university in 2005,and won the second place in women’s 4×100 meter relay in 2004 and 2006.