To further strength the belief of obeying and the interest of learning the Party discipline among the teachers, competition about the Party discipline was held by the Party General Branch in Leyun Building on June 29th, with the attending of Professor Tao, Dean of SFL, and Professor Xie, Assistant Dean of SFL. Wang Yan, the deputy secretary of the General Branch, hosted the competition.
The competition consists of the preliminary and the final, which includes required question, quick response question and risk question. All the participants divided into 5 groups while each group consists of 3 to 5 member. There were three places for the final. In the competition, participants gain the applause for their excellent performance. Meanwhile, the team, including Mrs. Zhang, Wang and Wen, won the champion with the highest mark
Professor Tao gave a high commend to the competition and participants by praise the effort of the teacher and the creativity of the form in the end. In addition, he indicated that the new form of competition can effectively work for the purpose and Professor Tao expected that more competition in a creative form can be applied.
The joint part is Mrs. Cui’s “On The Hopeful Field” and Mrs. Li’s “Flying Red Flag”, which livened the participants. In conclusion,the launch of the activity, emboldening the reverence of the Party discipline, gave teachers’ a higher standard.